

An Autonomous Think Tank Promoting Integration and Jointness as a Synergistic Enabler of National Power, Providing Policy Alternatives Through Research and Debate
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Military Leadership Challenges: Navigating Complexities of 21st Century

Introduction Military leadership in the 21st century presents a multitude of intricate and multifarious challenges that necessitate character, flexibility, creativity, intellectual superiority, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. The ever-evolving global and regional landscape, in conjunction with shifting societal norms and technological advancements, compels military commanders to chart unexplored territory while upholding the values of […]

The Jus ad Bellum and Jus ad Bello Dilemma’ With Focus on Israel – Hamas War

Preamble. Global organisations and leaders, geo-political and security experts, international think tanks and the global citizen have always questioned the necessity of conflict, its moral and ethical justification, proportionality of response, and the vital aspect of widespread, appalling infrastructure and human casualties, specially of innocent women and children. Since time immemorial, the innocents have always […]

From Pixels To Purpose: Digital De-Tox And Indian Army

Introduction The increasing prevalence of digital devices and internet connectivity has led to a growing dependence on technology, resulting in a phenomenon known as “Digital Addiction”. In recent years, digital technology has become an integral part of modern life, with smartphones, social media, and the internet dominating our daily interactions. This digital revolution has undoubtedly […]

Capability Development Through Technology: A Tri Service Prognosis For Integration

Whatever Can Be Clearly Defined Can Be Precisely Designed and Developed Introduction The long drawn Russian Ukraine War  and the recent Israel Hamas Conflict are a stark reminder of the nebulous geopolitical and geostrategic realignments. After all it is a well known fact that ‘In International Relations, there are no permanent friends or enemies, there […]

Hamas – Israel Conflict 2023: Ushering an Era of Geopolitical Instability And Its Fallout

The Geopolitical Chessboard and the Shifting Balance of Power in the Middle East The Middle East’s geopolitical complexity is rooted in its history, energy resources, and religious significance. The region’s centrality as a crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it geopolitically vital[i] Historical legacies and contemporary issues shape its politics. The Middle East’s importance dates […]

Maldives: Choices and Implications for India

Background Maldives is an archipelago in the South Asian region which has Sunni Islam prescribed as its official religion[1]. Still, the Islamic practices have been less conservative in the country since the time of independence and India has always enjoyed friendly relations with this neighbour. Maldives historically did not use Islam as a tool for […]

Lethal Autonomous Weapon System and International Concerns

For as long as humans have waged war, they have constantly taken up measures to develop and improve the technology while posing least amount of the risk to the operators. In the last decade, several technological advancements have brought forward revolutions in weapons technology. Our weapons technology has changed from gunpowder and landmines to the […]

China’s Growing Capability in Underwater Warfare: Implications for the Indo-Pacific

Introduction With the proliferation of technology, the rivalry between nation-states has expanded to various grounds from the outer space to sub-surface of oceans. The Deep Sea is considered to be the realm of power projection in undersea warfare. It is fought with an intention of defending coastal waters, diversified marine assets and the Sea Lanes […]

Key Takeaways From India’s G-20 Presidency

Introduction The G-20 is a forum for economic cooperation that was established back in 1999 and has its roots in a series of financial crises as its inception was in the wake of the Asian financial crisis and then its transformation from being a forum for finance ministers to one for Head of State/Government also […]