An Autonomous Think Tank Promoting Integration and Jointness as a Synergistic Enabler of National Power, Providing Policy Alternatives Through Research and Debate
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Storm before the Lull

Icon-download Introduction Russo –Ukraine War Rages on Nearing its Third Anniversary The activities now unfolding in the Russo-Ukraine war, shy of just a few weeks from its third anniversary, ring contrary to the proverbial ‘lull before the storm’ for each side is trying to ‘storm’ into their ‘best position’ before the ‘hoped lull’ may (may […]

Russia-China and the State of the ‘Limitless’ Partnership

Icon-download Introduction Russia’s envoy to Beijing, Ambassador Igor Morgulov, recently told state news agency RIA that Chinese President Xi Jinping is likely to visit Russia in 2025 with plans being actively drawn up1. The visit would underline the growing partnership between Moscow and Beijing, which has reached new heights in the wake of Russia’s invasion […]

Hypersonic Weapons in Joint Warfighting

Icon-download Abstract Hypersonic weapons which have speeds in excess of 5 Mach have caught every one’s imagination. The popular thinking is that hypersonic weapons are gamechangers in battle and that they give a nation a winning edge. Whilst that may be so, it might not be true fully. Hypersonic weapons do have tremendous advantages but […]

Digital Transformation in Joint Warfighting- A ‘Digital Twin’ Use Case

Icon-download Abstract Integration and joint war fighting in today’s landscape are aided by niche technology to maintain strategic edge and operational effectiveness. Digital Twin technology in recent times has emerged as a transformative paradigm in military applications. This paper comprehensively reviews the ongoing studies around the world in digital twin, presents various case studies and […]

Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Enhancing Lethality

Icon-download Abstract Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) is a revolutionary strategy in the military domain that synchronizes the manned and unmanned platforms to support the operations. MUM-T gives the amalgamated features of both platforms, with enhanced awareness of battle scenes, enhanced lethality, and better chances of survival. MUM-T slightly makes employment of soldiers, manned and unmanned air […]

Preparing for Quantum Warfare

Icon-download Abstract In the ever-evolving realm of present day warfare, the emerging and disruptive technologies play a vital role in shaping of military strategies. In this context, it is imperative that military commanders at all levels must be conversant with new developments in technological domain to maintain a right balance of weapons, equipment and the […]

QUAD’s MAITRI Initiative in Advancing India’s Maritime Vision: An Analysis

Icon-download Introduction The new regional ‘Maritime Initiative for Training in Indo-Pacific (MAITRI)’ is a collaborative effort by the four QUAD members to enhance training in the maritime operations and addressing other defence related issues. Its main focus is “to monitor and secure their waters, enforce their laws, and deter unlawful behaviour”.1  In Sanskrit the word […]

India–China Border Issues: Challenges & Prognosis

Icon-download Bordered by a staggering fourteen land neighbours – highest in the world, it must certainly go to China’s credit that she has been able to resolve disputes with twelve of them. But then, the Shangri La remains mystically elusive to Indian entreaties towards even defining the border, let alone resolution. From reiterating its claims […]

APEC Summit 2024: Balancing Economic Integration with Geopolitical Realities

Cover Web Article

Icon-download Introduction The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2024 was held in Lima, from November 15-16, 2024 and marked a critical juncture for regional economic integration and policy coordination among its 21 member economies. These economies include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia; Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, […]