Posted on | 30-Aug-2017

Theme: Impact of Future Technologies On Warfare

1. Cyber Electronic Warfare: The Mother of Non-kinetic Threats
Lt Gen (Dr) Rajesh Pant, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

2. Whither Technologies and Sense of Injustice 
Air Marshal PP Khandekar, AVSM (Retd)

3. War and Technology: Seeking Transformational Outcomes
Dr Manbrata Guha

4. The Nature of Future ICT and Its Potential Impact on Future Warfare
Lt Gen Rajeev Sabherwal, VSM

5. Big Data Analytics and Its Likely Applications in Defence and Security Forces Organisations
Air Cmde Trilok Chand (Retd)

6. Impact of Future Technologies – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyber Technology on Indian Armed Forces
Maj Gen PK Chakravorty, VSM (Retd)

7. Directed Energy Weapons 
Capt (IN) Ranjit Seth

8. Internet of Things (IoT) based Defence Applications: Vision and Challenges
Amandeep Kaur, Samriti Gupta, Balvir Kumar, Dr. P.K Khosla

9. Leveraging the Power of Social Media in the  Security Domain
Brig Deepak Malhotra

10. Tomorrow’s Warfare and its Social Impact 
Dr. T.V. Karthikeyan

11. Impact of Future Technology on the Warfare: Advanced Nuclear Weapons
Brig (Dr.) Rajeev Bhutani (Retd)

12. Impact of Battery Technologies Including Fuel Cells on Warfare
Tejasvi K

13. Countering UAV’s Threat in War Fighting 
Gp Capt GD Sharma, VSM (Retd)

14. Autonomous Weapons: The Future of Warfare and What It Means for India
Manish Kala

15. Additive Manufacturing and its Military Applications 
Col Harpreet Singh

16. An overview on Directed Energy Weapons in India 
Y.L.V. Durga Prasad

17. Big Data & Related Analytical Applications in Defence 
Samriti Gupta, Amandeep Kaur, Balvir Kumar

18. Unmanned Aircraft Systems: A Disruptive Technology
Munish Sharma