Seminar | 24-Nov-2017
Seminar | 23-Nov-2017
1. The Comdt NDC, Bangladesh interacted with CENJOWS on 23 Nov 2017 during his visit to New Delhi. The purpose of his visit was to give an opportunity to the Comdt NDC to plan out Jt seminars to be conducted at NDC, Bangladesh in 2018. This interaction was the outcome of a MOU signed between India and Bangladesh on 08 Apr 2017. The Gen Offr was also accompanied by R Adm Md Anwarul Islam, NGP, ndc, afwc, psc senior Directing Staff (Navy) . The CENJOWS was led by Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia, PVSM, AVSM, SM, (Retd), Director CENJOWS along with three Senior Fellows.
Briefing and Discussion.
2. The delegation was initially welcomed by Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia, PVSM, AVSM, SM, (Retd), Director CENJOWS at Purple Bay the Venue of interaction. After sharing the initial pleasantries the visiting dignitary gave a brief on the institution he is heading. He brought out that NDC is a tri-service org. The aim of NDC is to prepare selected senior offrs of the Armed Forces and the Civ Services for high responsibility in the direction and mgt of defense and national security. The key objective of NDC is to increase the members’ knowledge of high level defense and national security issues and the wider matters affecting national policy. NDC also attempts to develop the intellectual capacity and strategic vision of the offrs and to improve the personal qualities and individual skills. He also added that NDC is involved in conducting orientation courses for politicians and bureaucrats for making their understanding pertaining to security issues. NDC is also conducting seminars concerning geostrategic security issues jointly with various countries to understand the take of various stake holders and till date 16 such events have been held by them.
3. The Gen offr was keen to understand what are the Aim, Objectives, Vision and key focus areas of CENJOWS. How CENJOWS is reaching to various stake holders and once it accomplishes a particular proj how it is taken to logical conclusion by the Govt. The Director gave out the mandate of CENJOWS i.e. to promote integration and jointness with Armed Forces and various organs of Govt on all possible security issues thus bringing in synergy. He dwelled in detail on the vision, focus areas and the various methodologies adopted to reach out to various stakeholders by conducting seminars, studies, roundtable discussions, environmental scans and publishing various journals and reports. He further emphasized that various reports and projects conducted by this institution is submitted to Govt through well established channels and due notice is taken by concerned authorities.
4. The discussion then steered towards the visiting Gen trying to understand how India is moving towards achieving complete jointness and what is the progress and experience. Director gave him the brief rundown on the way India is moving for complete integration of all stakeholders. He then proposed that CENJOWS is ready to work on any project/Seminar mutually agreed upon by both parties and approved by relevant agency. Both agreed to mov fwd in this regard and they will come up with concrete proposal of CENJOWS participation.
5. Comdt NDC then while discussing the common concerns of both the countries including possible relationship and conflict issue with a major adversary China like water sharing, arrogant hegemonic behavior, pushing donor countries into debt crisis brings in the present ongoing Rohingya crisis between Bangladesh and Myanmar and possible role of China in it. He was of the view that by creating such crisis China is able to destablise the region and make available manpower for radicalized islamist Jihadis/ terrorists which should be of grave concern for both countries. He then voiced his views that India has failed to fully support Bangladeshi present Govt stance in tackling and raising the issues at various international forums. India has to understand that the positive support and great bon-homie which countries are enjoying today could possibly change with change in political leadership which may occur due to this crisis. India must do more than what being done or least this space may be filled by China and Bay of Bengal may see the more Chinese Navy presence to guard its assets on Myanmar ports. Director CENJOWS did give our point of view but it appears that Bangladeshis are looking for more from India.
6. The visiting delegation was quite appreciative of the overall efforts of CENJOWS. Such interactions shall go a long way not only in furthering the mil to mil relations but also achieving the overall National Aim of better relations with Bangladesh. In the end mementos were exchanged between the senior official.
7. The aim of this outreach by Comdt NDC was to sensitise the Indian Military and polity to the ongoing Rohingya migration and general support for Bangladesh. It is obvious that the Indian stance has not met the aspirations of the Bangladesh Government.