China’s Growing Capability in Underwater Warfare: Implications for the Indo-Pacific
Introduction With the proliferation of technology, the rivalry between nation-states has expanded to various grounds from the outer space to sub-surface of oceans. The Deep Sea is considered to be the realm of power projection in undersea warfare. It is fought with an intention of defending coastal waters, diversified marine assets and the Sea Lanes […]
Key Takeaways From India’s G-20 Presidency
Introduction The G-20 is a forum for economic cooperation that was established back in 1999 and has its roots in a series of financial crises as its inception was in the wake of the Asian financial crisis and then its transformation from being a forum for finance ministers to one for Head of State/Government also […]
Tryst With Technology – Counter Insurgency Counter Terrorist Op Scenario Perspective
Merging Technology with Tactics is the next big disruption in military operations, with technology being the first respondent in CICT Ops – sensor IOT based search and surveillance, drone and UGS driven cordons for round the clock watch and tactical probes, precision munition attacks to soften potential targets with least collateral damage and ghataks ready […]
Chinese Human Intelligence Operations And Elite-To-Elite Diplomacy
Human intelligence is a complex business, wherein special agents are employed for the collection of intelligence, manipulation of information, deception by feeding false information, sowing confusion, and even counterintelligence to find out the agents of the enemy. Napoleon’s saying that “one spy in the right place is worth twenty thousand men in the field,” is as pertinent today as it was two hundred years […]
The ‘Tibet Factor’ In The India-China Border Dispute
Introduction In the past, Tibet has thrived as a preserve of an antiquated civilization, living in the isolation and calm of a vast firmament, far from the commotion and upheaval of the outside world. Not for its wealth or its arsenal, Tibet was renowned for the heights of its spiritual splendour and the breadth of […]
The Upsurge of Terrorism in South Kashmir and Jammu: The Changing Dynamics
Introduction The Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir has always been a hotbed of terrorism, this is multifaceted and finds its roots in the social, political, religious, economic and geographical composition of that area. While the presence of these issues in the region has prevailed over time, their trends and frequency have been evolving. Terrorism […]
Fighting In The Age Of Unmanned Weapons: Straws In The Wind
“History shows that what matters most in periods of technological disruption is not getting a new technology first or even having the best technology but finding the best ways of using it…… both on the battlefield and in its bureaucracy.” -Paul Scharre, Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence What is happening? The […]
Atmanirbhar Bharat -Indigenisation In Defence Sector
“I want to tell the people of the whole world: Come, make in India. Come and manufacture in India. Go and sell in any country of the world, but manufacture here. We have skill, talent, discipline and the desire to do something. We want to give the world an opportunity that come make in India,” […]
The Camp David Summit: Championing A New Era of North East Asian Security?
“We, the leaders of Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United States, convened at Camp David to inaugurate a new era of trilateral partnership. We do so at a time of unparalleled opportunity for our countries and our citizens, and at a hinge point of history, when geopolitical competition, the climate crisis, Russia’s […]
Gray Zone Capabilities Of Pakistan: Should India Be Worried?
Abstract Gray zone is usually described as a space between peace and war where the belligerent employs tactics without making them reach the threshold of conventional warfare; they are irregular, hybrid tactics, or proxy wars, which make it difficult for the rival to counter these threats effectively. There is no winning in gray zone warfare; […]