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Storm before the Lull

Icon-download Introduction Russo –Ukraine War Rages on Nearing its Third Anniversary The activities now unfolding in the Russo-Ukraine war, shy of just a few weeks from its third anniversary, ring contrary to the proverbial ‘lull before the storm’ for each side is trying to ‘storm’ into their ‘best position’ before the ‘hoped lull’ may (may […]

How Come Iran’s Air Defences Succumbed on 26 Oct 2024? A Brief Analysis

Icon-download It is now history that in the wee hours of the night 25-26 Oct 2024 some 100+ front-line fighter aircrafts comprising of F35 Lightening II (Adir) stealth air superiority fighters, F 15I  R’aam ground attack aircrafts and F16I Soufa multirole fighters struck some 20 Iranian military targets. Most conspicuously, Israel claimed that it had […]

Point of Inflection in Russo-Ukraine War: What may Lie Ahead?

Icon-download Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/moscow-blames-west-for-ukraine-s-long-range-weapon-strikes-inside-russia-/7616955.html Premise This work is based on the premise that the on-going Russo-Ukraine war has just passed a point of inflection, as the ‘real winners’ of the war continue to keep the war flames burning. The warring nations and the suffering peoples are only the ‘tools’ to keep the war machine (read windfall […]