APEC Summit 2024: Balancing Economic Integration with Geopolitical Realities

Icon-download Introduction The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2024 was held in Lima, from November 15-16, 2024 and marked a critical juncture for regional economic integration and policy coordination among its 21 member economies. These economies include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia; Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, […]
Shifting Alliances: Russia and North Korea’s Growing Ties and Regional Security Implications

Icon-download Introduction The relationship between Russia and North Korea has evolved into a significant geopolitical development, marked by a series of diplomatic, economic and military engagements. Historically, when the erstwhile Soviet Union existed, it maintained a supportive relationship with North Korea, particularly at the peak of the Cold War and the Korean War. When the […]
Harnessing Synergies: India and Pacific Island Countries (PIC) in the Indo-Pacific

Icon-download The Indo-Pacific has been identified to be the next geopolitical and geoeconomic hotspot for power contestation. The region has become a space for power contestations between resident and non-resident powers defining a political conundrum for the century. While states have sought to collaboration on traditional and non-traditional aspects, there remains friction in maintaining a […]
QUAD Leaders’ Summit 2024: Affirmations for a Free, Open and Inclusive Indo-Pacific

Icon-download Introduction The QUAD’s regrouping in 2017 marked an extremely pivotal moment against the backdrop of vexed geopolitical contestations in the Indo Pacific. As countries manage to navigate the power rivalry between US and China, the functions and operability of minilaterals have been frequently discussed and debated. The functions carried out by the QUAD has […]
QUAD’s Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) in the Indian Ocean Region: Challenges and Opportunities

Icon-download Introduction Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) refers to the requirement of situational awareness at sea, that allows all maritime players to be aware of each other’s positions and intentions of each other in all three dimensions — on, over, and below the sea. MDA is becoming more and more necessary for the efficient and safe […]
Revisiting Juche and Songun: Why Nuclear matters for North Korea?

Icon-download Introduction North Korea has challenged traditional security threats by emerging as a rogue state capable of testing and launching nuclear missiles. The threat landscape of North East Asia is predominantly ruled by tackling North Korea’s nuclear proliferation and bring stability and peace to the Korean peninsula. North Korea’s interest for nuclear science and technology […]